Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

Saturday, I went to the clinic to get perscribed some eyedrops specifically for my allergies that have been going crazy as of lately with all the trees dropping fuzzy things, ect. The drops are very helpful. My eyes aren't burning and getting red like they were!

On Sunday, I completed some projects for school. I can't believe there are only 8 days, wait yeah I fuckin' can! ahaha. I am soososo glad for that.

Today was spent doing a lot of yardwork and gardening in the flowerbed. It's so relaxing & gives that great accomplish feeling. I cut some of the shrubs that needed it, pulled out weeds and planted new summer annual flowers.

The back bordering flower is: Celosia (the dark red kind)

The main flower of the bed is: Marigold (the yellow kind)

photo taken by me. (not my flowerbed)

I can't wait 'til they get a little bigger so that I can snap a polaroid of the bed like I did with my winter annual Pansies last year.

polaroid taken by me. (my flowerbed in winter of '08)

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