I have horrible anxiety and nerves like no other when it comes to meeting someone, and I am usually good at keeping it down but today was not that good day. My nerves were racing like a flood and it sure as hell showed. I was pissed off at myself...I never really snapped out of it for the remainder of the day. I'm just glad they got the impression of me as just 'shy' and that's it. I assumed the impression coming off was total dickhead, but I guess you'd normally think the worst of 'yourself' anyway, right? At least that's how I am.
So the photoshoot went alright. Tina's outfit was an A+ as well as the makeup she does. Thankfully her friend Matt was good with helping her perfect the pose ideas I had for her to try. I didn't get nearly as many photos as I'd like to have taken, but there's always next time and I am normally always more together with myself on second hangouts over the first ones.
Here are my favorite shots I got of Tina.
And a lovely Polaroid, of course. ♥
I liked her and her friends quite a bit, even though it didn't show. I hope they weren't too intimidated by me, haha. I'm excited for the next time we hangout.
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